7 Free Tools to Rank No. 1 in Google  |  SEO Optimization Techniques to boost your Rankings

7 Free Tools to Rank No. 1 in Google

Do you want to rank number one on Google? How do you think you do? Most people say you need to build links. Most people say you need to do on-page SEO, but where do you start? Hey everyone, today I’m going to share with you seven, free tools that will help you rank number one on Google.

1. Quick Sprout Analyzer

7 Free Tools to Rank No. 1 in Google

Quick Sprout is a free tool, you just have to put your URL in it. It’s a gamified SEO application and it’ll tell you and break down all of the things that are wrong and I’ll even walk you through how to fix some stuff step by step. For example, if you’re not putting in the right keywords in your title tag, in your description, or in your all image tags. Quick Sprouts will tell you and you just click a button and he even shows you which keywords to add were and you know what? The cool part about Quick Sprouts is if you’re not technical and you want to publish these changes, you don’t need to know to code. Quick Sprouts can publish them all for you.

Visit Website: https://www.quicksprout.com/

2. Yoast SEO

7 Free Tools to Rank No. 1 in Google

The second tool I have for you is Yoast SEO. It’s one of my favorite tools. It has a free version and a paid version. Now with the Yoast SEO Plugin, every time you publish a blog post, it’ll give you a score and tell you hey, here’s how you can do your title tag your meta description and you can pick different keywords. The cool part about the Yoast SEO Plugin is you can optimize each and every single one of your blog posts to get the maximum amount of traffic. And every time you release a new blog post it even updates your site map for you automatically.

Visit Website: https://yoast.com/

3. Google Search Console

7 Free Tools to Rank No. 1 in Google

Now with Google search what ends up doing is every time you publish a new blog post or a page, you have an XML sitemap, the XML sitemap is probably going to be created by the Yoast Plugin that’s what most experts use. You, then submit it to the search console. In addition to the search, the console shows you how many impressions you are getting how many clicks you’re getting, which pages are popular, and even shows you which keywords are getting a lot of impressions for, but not a lot of clicks. You can then go on your content by adding those keywords in adjusting your title tag, your meta description. To include those keywords, and maximize your click-through rate will increase your rankings without having to build even one single link.

Visit Website: https://search.google.com/

4. Google Trends

7 Free Tools to Rank No. 1 in Google

The fourth tool I have for you is Google Trends. Let’s say there’s a car industry and there’s General Motors and BMW, they both have millions of dollars to spend on SEO. They both have millions of backlinks. How does Google know to rank General Motors or BMW? Well, one of the factors within Google is brand queries and Google Trends shows you this. As BMW is more popular than General Motors. So more people are typing in BMW and all the other SEO factors are very similar. What are they going to do? They’re going to rank the more popular car manufacturer as head of the other.

Visit Website: https://trends.google.com/

5. Browser Stack

7 Free Tools to Rank No. 1 in Google

The fifth free tool I have for you is a website responsive tool. Did you know more people are using Google from their mobile or tablet devices? Then they are from their desktop or laptops. That’s crazy but just think about it. Phone nowadays, they’re small and they’re really powerful, sometimes they’re more powerful than some old computers. So, you want to make sure your website is responsive and people who have mobile devices can load your website extremely fast. And using this free tool it’ll show you how other website and mobile visitors are seeing your website.

Visit Website: https://www.browserstack.com/

6. Screaming Frog

7 Free Tools to Rank No. 1 in Google

The sixth tool I have for you is Screaming frog. Screaming frog is a super technical SEO tool. You put in the URL and it shows you every little thing that’s wrong from titles to headings to keywords to links. It analyzes every little thing from a super-advanced technical framework. So, make sure you check out the screaming frog.

Visit Website: https://www.screamingfrog/

7. Google Page Insights

7 Free Tools to Rank No. 1 in Google

Last but not least Google Page Speed Insights shows how fast your website loads and if it loads slow, that’s okay, they break down a list that shows you what you need to improve both your desktop devices and mobile devices. So that way your website can load extremely fast. If someone is on your website and it’s loading slowly because these days more people are using mobile phones. What do you think they’re going to do? They’re going to leave. Sure, there are fast, internet connections and LTE and 4G. But you know what some areas still have shitty reception. So, make sure your website loads extremely fast.

Visit Website: https://developers.google.com


Check out those tools, they work really well and if you want more tools and tips like this, make sure you follow me because we are releasing more articles soon that cover more SEO tools that can help boost your rankings. So that you can climb faster to the top.

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